The End of Innocence

This film is a finalist in YouTube's Project:Report, a journalism contest that asks amateur reporters to submit stories that may not otherwise be told. I think this is a brilliant effort by Kim from Crystal City, MO under the YouTube name of "Do Good Work". She has done very good work. I highly recommend that… Continue reading The End of Innocence

Kelly in Marquette

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. Blaise Pascal Kelly, I read your blog posts for December. I want more people to read it. I want people to read all the blogs of all the people that are still struggling with the damage caused by these… Continue reading Kelly in Marquette

From the “You have to be kidding me” file…

A company called Sacros, formerly known as Patmos, based in Shohola, Pennsylvania is selling a Child's Missal. The publishers of this missal use of a photo of a priest accused of being a pedophile and allegedly banned from ministry by the Diocese of Scranton in the book. Throughout the book, a guardian angel appears who… Continue reading From the “You have to be kidding me” file…

Out of pocket

I have not posted in a little while. There are many reasons for this. Obviously, a glance towards a calendar would indicate that it was the holiday season. This time of year comes with some real challenges. The message of the holiday season and the focus on religious services sometimes can be an overwhelming reminder… Continue reading Out of pocket

Send the Bishops a Message!

If you are fed up with the poor stewardship of financial resources in the Catholic Church or you have had enough of an organization that does not confront the issue of sexual abuse of children and adults head on, but you still support your home parish financially, please consider participating in the withholding of financial… Continue reading Send the Bishops a Message!

Pennsylvania Legislative Update

During the 2007 session of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, 3 lawmakers sponsored and many others added their names as co-sponsors to legislation to modify or eliminate statutes of limitation for criminal and civil actions in Pennsylvania. These pieces of legislation, if approved, would have opened a window for victims of sexual abuse by serial… Continue reading Pennsylvania Legislative Update

Florida, not the happiest place on earth…

Near the end of my 8th grade year, Father Gibson made an offer to take me to Florida for a vacation. While most 13 year old kids in 1974 would have jumped at the chance to go to Disney World I knew what I was in for. He made the suggestion to my parents, who… Continue reading Florida, not the happiest place on earth…