Rev. Gregory F. Loughney Arrested in the Diocese of Scranton

Rev Gregory F. Loughney

It is still happening in the Diocese of Scranton. Bishop Bambera has another online predator to contend with after Reverend Gregory F. Loughney was arrested on Friday when he thought he would hook up with an underage boy. Instead, he walked into a sting by 570 Predator Catchers to catch sex predators targeting underage boys.

I am linking the video of the take-down at the bottom of this post. Warning: the language and content are disturbing.

“Father” Loughney was the pastor of Most Holy Trinity Parish in Cresco, Pennsylvania. That is until his arrest on Friday, October 22. The parish is part of the Diocese of Scranton.  He also has affiliations with Notre Dame Junior/Senior High School in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. He was a frequent substitute teacher for theology classes at the school.  Notre Dame is a regional Catholic high school that draws students from several parishes in Northeast Pennsylvania (Pike and Monroe Counties) and some from Warren County, New Jersey. 

Notre Dame Jr/Sr High School,

East Stroudsburg

A recent Notre Dame graduate told me that the video of “Father Greg” is spreading like wildfire among former classmates from the “school on the hill.” Stories are coming out about Father Greg’s “God Squad.”  The God Squad was composed of male students, identified with the help of the school’s guidance counselor, John Musyt, who expressed an interest in becoming a priest. The Squad was regularly treated to special meals during lunch, away from the rest of the student body. These events were potential grooming opportunities for Father Greg.

Parents of Notre Dame Students should be very alarmed at this kind of activity. An investigation by civil authorities should look into these “God Squad” meetings to identify potential victims of Father Greg.

The Diocese will be reluctant to discuss Father Loughney’s affiliations other than his role as Pastor at Most Holy Trinity in Cresco. I am sure a “containment plan” is in the works, with one of the fixer Monsignors taking the lead. Monsignor John Bendik has lots of experience at Notre Dame and the parishes from which the school draws its student body. I wonder if he is making calls or the rounds in Monroe County.

I have no information that would implicate John Musyt as actively assisting Father Greg in identifying boys for Loughney to prey upon. However, it does seem to be highly inappropriate.

If you have any relevant information, you should contact the Pocono Mountain Regional Police Department at 570-895-2400. If you are a victim of Father Loughney and want to come forward, please call the  PA Clergy Abuse Hotline: 888-538-8541.  The Attorney General runs this hotline in Pennsylvania.

Do not report to Mary Beth Pacuska, the Diocese of Scranton’s Victims Assistance Coordinator, if you are a victim. She is one of Bishop Bambera’s paid operatives. She will give the appearance that she is focused on the best interests of the victim. Still, she collects intelligence for the Diocese to help the Bishop marginalize and silence the victim and their families.

In the interest of full disclosure, I am a graduate of Notre Dame, where Rev Robert J. Gibson targeted me in 1973-1974. John Musyt began his tenure as a guidance counselor at the school during my time at the school. I graduated in 1978.

Local Scranton News Coverage of this arrest:

WNEP Coverage

5 thoughts on “Rev. Gregory F. Loughney Arrested in the Diocese of Scranton”

  1. This is the first time he tried this? Sure it is. The more things change, the more they remain the same. Why any parent would continue to send their children to Catholic schools is beyond me.

  2. What struck me about the ‘Safe Environment Co-ordinator’ (who presumably leads in protection matters) is that her qualification is in counselling. This provides a clue as the bishop’s priorities because surely counselling becomes necessary only after a failure to protect (her main responsibility) has occurred. What dioceses need, if they were taking their responsibilities seriously, is a person experienced in dealing with offenders and in identifying potential offenders and situations/arrangements that might provided opportunities. Say an ex-cop with relevant background and ‘a nose’.

  3. This Predator Catcher sure got himself a whooper and did us all a big favor. Ann Barnhardt has a blogpost about this, I started surfing around to get more info. She claimed he went to the Pontifical College of North America in Rome. According to her it is a den of iniquity.

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